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Nascot Wood
Junior School

Our School

This website has a lot of information that we hope will be useful to you. To aid you in locating this information, please use the sitemap button located at the bottom of this page.


Our school is a high-achieving, multi-cultural learning environment that enables all children to achieve the highest possible standards. We pride ourselves on our professionalism, equipping children for the demands of the future and encouraging them to aspire to make a difference to society.

We offer a broad, balanced curriculum that is tailored to the needs of our children, fostering and developing a thirst for life-long learning.

We are a community where children are encouraged to take risks with their learning by providing a safe environment where mistakes are viewed as learning opportunities. In lessons, pupils make every effort to ensure that others learn and thrive in an atmosphere of dignity and respect.

We value our partnership working with parents and other stakeholders, and hope that you find our website useful. We would value your feedback in order to review and amend future information.


Please read through the Headteacher's annual report to parents on the tab along the right hand side. 

Best wishes,

Christina Singh
Head Teacher